Flatirons Family Pharmacy  


  1. January 27, 2023

    Overview of Erectile Dysfunction

    What is Erectile Dysfunction (ED)?

    ED is technically defined as “the persistent inability to achieve or maintain penile erection sufficient for satisfactory sexual performance.”

    There are several factors that can cause erectile dysfunction. Most often, it has to do with lack of blood supply to the penis. Other times, it can be caused by psychological troubles.

    How common is Erectile Dysfunction?

    Age 40: 40% of men

    Age 70: 70% of men


    The National Health and Social Life Survey found that as age increased, sexual desire decreased. Men aged 50-59 were 3 times as likely to experience issues with erections and sexual desire compared to men aged 18-29.

    What can increase your risk for Erectile Dysfunction?

    Type 2 Diabetes
    High Blood Pressure
    High Cholesterol
    Prostate problems
    Low testosterone
    Peyronie’s disease (penis curvature)

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  2. January 26, 2023

    The Metabolic Reset Program

    So, What is the Metabolic Reset Program?

    Can you relate to any of these scenarios?

    If you can relate to any of these, you are going to LOVE the freeing and life-giving habits you will easily be able to incorporate into your daily life from The Metabolic Reset Program!

    It’s 3pm and like clockwork, you notice that you suddenly feel tired, sluggish, irritated, and ready for bed.

    ​You’ve tried everything and yet the scale still won’t budge. This can sometimes make you feel hopelessly frustrated.

    ​Your lab work is “normal” but you know you should be feeling better. Right?

    Your hormones are a hot mess and you don’t even know where to begin to balance them.

    ​​All day long you dream about going to bed, but when it’s finally bedtime you suddenly have a burst of energy and can’t fall asleep.

    ​You have chronic inflammation and pain that is preventing you from living life on your terms.

    ​You’re exasperated by the overwhelming amount of

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  3. January 24, 2023

    Discover How Vectoring Your Heart Health with Zyto Improves Your Body

    Along with other biomarkers included in a ZYTO scan, the heart is scanned as a stressor Virtual Item to determine if it’s in range or out of range. A balancer scan is then done to determine which Virtual Items bring the heart (if it is out of range) and other out-of-range items back into range. Click here to sign up!

    Did you know that February is National Heart Month? It is, so let’s talk about your heart and some of the choices you can make to maintain a healthy life.

    We all know that your heart is a pump that moves blood through your arteries and veins. We also know that a healthy heart makes for a happier life and that diet and exercise are important to keeping your it in tip-top shape.


    It’s also true that your heart is related to other parts of your body. For example, in Traditional Chinese Medicine, the heart meridian is a channel through which energy flows. This energy is called Chi, and the heart meridian is named after the heart

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  4. March 08, 2018

    Overweight? Not all is lost

    Overweight? All Is Not Lost!

    Need to shed 15 or 25 pounds? Try this trick: Pick up a 15- or 25-pound turkey in the grocery store (or a bag of soil at the nursery). Then carry it around for a few minutes. Did you find it tough to do? Extra pounds take a toll, don’t they? But weight gain is often such a gradual process that you might not even realize it’s happening.1

    Sadly, more and more people are dying from weight-related health problems. This includes high blood pressure, cardiovascular disease, cancer, and other conditions. In 2015, 40 percent of 4 million deaths linked to weight were in people who weren’t even considered obese, just overweight.2 And for those who gain more, the risks are even greater. For example, 44 extra pounds in midlife increases your risk of type 2 diabetes by 10 times.1 There’s an emotional toll as well. A recent study found that heavy kids faced three times the risk of depression in adulthood.3

    Okay, enough of the scary statistics. I’m

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