Flatirons Family Pharmacy  


Men's Health

Are you struggling with any of the following?

  • • Attaining an erection
  • • Maintaining an erection
  • • Decreased sexual desire

Do you want to improve your performance? You are not alone. By age 70, almost 70% of men will experience erectile dysfunction (ED). Let us help you get your confidence back! We are now offering discreet 1-on-1 consultations with our trained, clinical pharmacist to develop your own personalized health plan.

Consultation package includes:

  • • 60-minute initial consultation, plus one follow-up
  • • In office nitric oxide saliva testing with one month supply of supplementation
  • • One month supply of oral/sublingual medication
  • • Vacuum Erection Device (penis pump)
  • • Drug and device education

All consult and progress notes will be shared with your provider(s).

Make an appointment today!


Birth Control

At Flatirons Family Pharmacy, you don’t need to wait months to see the doctor or spend hundreds of dollars just to start on birth control.

Meet with our prescribing pharmacist for a private consultation. Your consultation will include:

  • • Patient questionnaire and assessment
  • • Prescription of a pill, patch, vaginal ring, or injection with a year of refills
  • • Education on contraceptives and sexual health
  • • Visit summary provided to patient and provider(s)

Get started today!


Smoking Cessation

Are you thinking about quitting smoking? Since 2002, there have been more former smoker than current smokers, and you can be one of them. People who get professional help are more likely to quit successfully. Your pharmacist at Flatirons Family Pharmacy has special training to help you quit.

We are now providing private consultations to help design a quit plan specifically for you. Your quit plan can include:

  • • Medication to help make you more comfortable while quitting
  • • Lifestyle counseling
  • • Connection with the Colorado tobacco Quitline
  • • Follow-ups with your pharmacist to discuss any challenges

Sign up today to begin your quit journey!



Flatirons Family Pharmacy is now offering testing AND treatment for the following conditions:

  • • Influenza (we only carry the combo, see Covid Testing below)
  • • Strep throat
  • • Urinary tract infections (UTI)

Get the results in under an hour! If you test positive, our trained pharmacists can prescribe treatment for you, and our pharmacy will fill the prescription in house.

If you are experiencing symptoms of these infections, make an appointment today.


Covid Testing

Please Note: We do not currently stock oral antivirals for COVID-19 (Paxlovid, molnupinavir), monoclonal antibody treatments for COVID-19, or at-home COVID-19 test kits.

See Colorado’s COVID-19 treatment page to find these, and more about COVID-19 treatments: https://covid19.colorado.gov/getting-covid-19-treatment
Before scheduling a COVID-19 test, please read through this important information:

Please make sure you have selected the right test for your needs:

Rapid PCR – tests for active SARS-COV-2 infection with the highest sensitivity (95.8%), results in 1-2 hours.

Rapid Antigen – tests for active SARS-COV-2 infection with slightly less sensitivity than PCR (85.3%), results in 15-30 minutes.

Flu A/B + COVID – one sample, 3 tests: for active infection with Influenza strains A and B, as well as COVID-19, results in 30 minutes. NOTE: This is an antigen test, PCR not available for FLU+COVID tests.

FOR TRAVELERS: When signing up, please use your full legal name as it appears on your identification (driver’s license, passport, etc).

Please let us know at the time of testing if you want to add your passport number to your results, or if you have any other special needs for your trip.

The best way to reach us about testing is by texting us at 970-601-4263. Pharmacy staff answering phone calls do not handle COVID test scheduling or questions, you will be directed to text this number if you call.

Please DO NOT enter the store for any reason, even if you have no symptoms. If you enter the store, staff will direct you back to your vehicle and to text the number above.

For cancellations and missed appointments, only a partial refund will be given. Please review terms and conditions for more details. We cannot bill insurance for COVID-19 tests, but we can provide you paperwork that you can use to get reimbursed after paying out-of-pocket. After reading the important information above, click here to schedule an appointment.


Nitric Oxide Consult

If you are struggling with any of the following:

  • Erectile Dysfunction
  • Sexual Arousal
  • Nerve Pain
  • High Blood Pressure
  • Gut Health

and looking for a natural medication, book an appointment with our clinical pharmacist to a full consulation.


General Pharmacist Consult

If you are needing a discreet, one on one consultation with a pharmacist, book an appointment here. We offer comprehensive medication reviews, supplement consultations, and more.